Suzan Franck


"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
Jospeph Campbell

Suzan Franck


"For me, this has been a remarkable experience that has given more depth in looking at what's going on under the surface of my life. Its helped me face some things that have been dormant and hopefully will help me grow and make some decisions regarding my life."

Summer Dream Group Participant

"Suzan's Jungian dream-interpretation group has been a vital part of my life and personal growth for six years (since early 2010). Although I've always been intrigued by my dreams, having a skilled teacher like Suzan and an eager group of fellow 'dreamers' to share them with every month, has been nothing short of transformative. Because of our group, I now know without a doubt that my unconscious is braver and wiser than my conscious mind, and is a trustworthy ally for navigating the roughest waters of life. (Not to mention the meetings are really fun!)

I have known Suzan for more than 20 years, in many contexts, and have been continually amazed at her deep insight, interpersonal wisdom, and in recent years her dedication to Jungian psychology and dream work. I would recommend any class she teaches or group she leads without qualification."

Barbara Bassett, Ongoing Dream Group Participant, Columbia MO

"Dreams have always been very important to me. I feel that they offer guidance for my waking life and it is important to translate their meaning into a language I can understand. When I met Suzan and she told me she was thinking of starting a dream group, I immediately asked her to sign me up.

Our dream group has met for several years now. We have become a close knit group of women who offer each other diverse insights into our dreams and support for living out their messages. So many times I have brought a dream that baffled me or that I thought was empty only to find that my fellow dreamers helped me to see deep meaning and insight in that dream. I also value the education and support that Suzan gives us each meeting.

I can't say enough about this dream experience with Suzan. If you are a dreamer and have the chance to join a group, I highly recommend doing so. It will enrich your life."

Sky, Ongoing Dream Group Participant

"To my good fortune, I was welcomed into one of Suzan's dream groups not long after I moved to Columbia and always look forward to our monthly meetings. No matter what level of noise exists in my life at any given moment, our discussion of dreams and matters of Spirit always bring me back to a place that feels quiet, centered, and grateful. It's amazing how much our inner lives interconnect even though our outer lives are seemingly very disparate. Suzan is a compassionate and deeply attentive facilitator who gently honors everyone in her presence. My dream group nurtures my soul and reminds me that I'm not alone in my struggle to become my best self."

GGS, Ongoing Dream Group Participant